Posted by: highadventureministries | February 4, 2010

Upcoming Trip

George, the Guard and his bed

Feb 6th is  almost here!  The suitcases are almost packed, except for the items that seem to be accumulating on the floor again and are looking for a home …in just one more  suitcase! 

Emails sent out last week for a projector and a tent have once more produced  unexpected love gifts. 

I wonder how many suitcases I have packed  in the past few years?  Too many to remember. 

What a blessing to have had Nikki and Kiersten help this year.  Now if we can just remember where things are.  We arrive late Sunday night and then we have to try and locate the items we need in the 24 plus suitcases – for  work at the school the next day.

Many calls have been made to Uganda over these past few weeks organizing equipment, people and transport.  Our country manager Isaac, has done an outstanding job. It is not an easy task to coordinate the build in such a remote location.   What delights us is that this building has been completely built by our Ugandan young men for fellow Ugandans.  They have come such a long way in just a few years.  We are so very proud of them.

The young men working at the site even challenged the local boys to a game of football (soccer). The building team had  pooled their money and purchase a goat as the prize.  Much to their surprise they lost 7 to 2.  I think they are convinced they brought in ringers. 

Isaac told us on a recent visit to check up on things that some of the women came by the work site.  They were asking what the boys names were.  They told him that they wanted to put their names in a song for the celebration.  I was so touched…they have nothing to give but a song…but they are going to give it.  Hard not to be in tears when you hear things like this.

Don spoke  to Isaac today, (Wednesday) for our 2 hour update …he said MANY things (used up all his prepaid airtime), but among them was a report that shocked us…

View from the road

He said the Ongutoi team was working building as we all saw in the photos, but the photos did not show what the boys shared…apparently, people are coming constantly, looking for any kind of medical help…some come on makeshift wooden stretchers (like pallets) some are coming actually unconscious…pregnant mothers are coming on backs of bicycles…people just keep coming, looking for any kind of medical help, even before we could get the roofing on. People are absolutely desperate.

This was a very emotional report for us. We are so grateful to the Lord for His enabling us to open 2 units this trip…each one holds 4 beds, but it looks like we will try to squeeze in 6 in each…how can we NOT?

During one of those updates we discovered that the hospital beds we had planned on,  are now in use at the Mulago hospital …what to do!

We quickly called Dr. Ben…”Did he know where we could get beds?”  He instructed us to call back in a few days.  He told us today that he had 10 to 12 beds we could have….and thanks to the generous people that supported the Saturday night Fundraiser – we have the funding to purchase them….but wait we need mattresses…..not to worry call tomorrow!  We thought about shipping them in…but it takes to long and the funding is not there to pay for the shipment.

 I think we are about as organized as we can be…everything we want to take is now squeezed into the suitcases.  We make our plans but God will direct our steps.

Don and Rick presented the vision to another Rotary meeting Tuesday.   We are praying that we will have more support in the future.

 Soon it will be Friday night , Don’s sister and niece will be arriving as they are coming with us this year.  What a joy to be able to bring along family members.

Soon we will be lifting those suitcases once more into the van and heading to the airport for the very long journey to our beloved Uganda.

Posted by: highadventureministries | August 10, 2009

Monday August 3, 2009

It is 3:30 a.m. Monday morning…..still struggling with jet lag!  We have been so busy the past two days there has been no time to write! 

The first trip up to Nakyessa of any mission trip is filled with excitement.  This one was no different!  I kept thinking as we were driving along on  the broken tarmac roads of how dear this place has become to us.  There are many charities working in Uganda – all involved in amazing work, many of them high profile.  But who would go to Nakyessa? Most people have never heard of Nakyessa. You have to choose to come here!  This is the place that God has planted in our heart.  As I look behind me on the bus, there they are bouncing in the seats, squashed together, tired, jet lagged but filled with a love to help people.  They are the High Adventure Mission Team August 2009! 

We can hardly wait to show them what God has done over the last few years at the school.  Our first stop is the Goat Site.  We are amazed to see how much fruit the papaya trees have on them!  David told us that he was able to bring several to the primary school!  The new kitchen is well under way and we are praying that the roofing will get done before we leave.  David Musis has done such a good job of caring for the goats and we hear the cries from the many little kids as they are looking for the mommie goat.   We do have have a request from one of the team members, to see River the goat.  The milk goats had been taken across the road to feed before we arrived, but Assman was able find him to get him to pose for a picture with Sarah!

We walk down the country road to the secondary site and then on to the primary.  This team enjoyed seeing all the projects but they were anxious to get to work.
The clinic furniture had all been put into the centre of the room for painting of the clinic. The team were able to complete both the clinic and residential side in just a few hours!  It looks wonderful!  They on the other hand were rather speckled!  

While the painting was going on the medical team together with Nurse Florence and Esther meet in which ever room is available at the time, continually moving as the painting continues.   Nurse Esther is expecting her first baby in October and her sister Nurse Florence job share. 

Kevin and Ken worked  on getting the construction of the B Ball poles and backboards ready. The location for the B Ball court is determined and the holes are dug. 

New facia boards and eaves troughing  are going up on the teacher’s resource room, preparing it to be able to collect more water for the cistern.  We are so delighted to be visiting the new functioning primary kitchen.  The cook even looks healthier!  We are able to stand in the room near the pots without being overcome by smoke!  Ken’s wonderful building design is functioning so well as we can watch the steam from the pots escaping up and out the building!    We have also installed a sink in the kitchen…we have been asked if we can show them how to use it. 

Liz joined the painting team for most of the day but was still able to meet with HM Florence to go over the upcoming weeks activities. 

The library team…what can I say about them.  I had finally made my way over to the the building and there in the midst of the books, table, bookcases, was teacher Jill, Matt, Veena and Tracey and many children!  Children were there to help..and so were some teachers, but the desire to read the books was winning!  Lunch time approached and we were to all meet at the bus.  At one point I just gave up trying to get a couple of people out of the library to take a break…it wasn’t going to happen!  By the end of the day most of the boxes were opened and many were already on the shelves.  One of the sweetest pictures though is of those precious little faces looking in through the windows, watching, waiting to see what the muzungo’s were up to !   They will get to enjoy it soon! 

Everyone is looking forward to returning on Monday…but first we have to have a “serious” dance lesson from our instructor Sarah from Adonai tonight.  We must be prepared for tomorrow.  The evening is filled with fun and laughter as we try to figure out how to dance ….if we just weren’t so stiff it would help!   Gracious what have we gotten ourselves into!

Sunday morning we are up early to attend the Children’s Church in a slum area of Kampala.  Just as we are about to board the bus…Don, Ken and I hear that familiar sound… click…the bus won’t start!   What would a trip to Uganda be without pushing some vehicle?   It does eventually start and we are off……

The “church” is held at a school and as the music starts the children come down from between houses – they come without parents – some carrying other children…but coming to church!   Momma Robinah is teaching them about the Lord!  We have a great time of worshipping together with the children and some of our team members have agreed to go into the classrooms and teach after the praise and worship time.  Don and I had the opportunity to watch Liz, Dean and Deb in action…how will we ever forget Jonah and the whale, after this skit?  The children loved it..and so did we.  What a team we have with us……they said to me before we left – “Whatever you need me to do.”    This group is amazing! 

Next stop of the day is Prayer Palace Church.  We arrive at 10 and leave around 1 p.m….yup 3 hours.  The junior choir, the mass choir, Destiny Girls and the Alpha and Omega Children Choir lead us in worshipping.  It is a wonderful opportunity for our team to  attend the indegenious church.  At the  end of the service announcements are made and as part of the announcment,  the notice of the wedding of  Jaja Ken and Janet is made public.  This is done with the bride and groom making the entrance from the back of the church, accompanied by their friends up to the pulpit and it is declared openly that the wedding has been approved and will be taking place.

We then make our way out to the bus……but first David Musisi wants to show us his tractor and plough!  He is so very proud of his tractor and he must start it up for Don to hear!  Soon the tractor will be heading up to Nakyessa.  David has purchased some property near by the school  but will be making the tractor available for use for the projects as well.

We only have a short time to eat lunch and then we are off to the party…Ken and Janet’s Introduction Party!  Ladies put on their busuti’s and men their Kanzu and then we head out the door again ! The men look great with their suit coat jackets over their Kanzu’s…they look so “smart”  The  ladies are quite the colourful group with our various material choices!  What a team!    We divide the team up half will be with Ken’s side (in his tent) and half with Janet’s.    Only later did those that end up going with Janet’s side realize how much dancing they had to do…and there was no changing sides !

This custom is highly respected and treasured  here in Uganda.  The groom’s family is paraded into the grounds.  The bride’s family must give final acceptance of the groom at the ceremony.  Members of the bride’s family dance in and out, they pick Ken out from all the men of  the grooms family.  The bride finally comes in dancing with her friends and the ceremony continues. She can change her dress several times during the course of the event.  When Janet makes her first entrance, she is surprised to discover that there in the crowd are two people she knows from back in the Newmarket area!   The guests from Adonai 2 have been invited to attend and they happened to be staying there!  There is an presentation of a dowry by  the friends of the groom, and the displaying of the paper work of the approval by the tribe, exchange of rings, cake cutting and feeding of the cake to one another….and then the presentation of a rooster to the groom!  This all takes place with entertainment in between and each side has a master of ceremonies that makes various comments back and forth. The Alpha and Omega Children’s Choir make several singing presentations and one is with them playing traditional African instruments….these young children are so very talented!  A wonderful tradional Ugandan meal is served with items like matoke, peanut sauce, chipati, stew are served…it is very tasty!

The day has been so wonderful….we head back to Adonai.


As with most evenings we begin to organize the items we plan to take up to the school the next day…..the items are  piled by the door to go on the bus tomorrow….it is just to big!  Last minute phone calls are made….and we can have an additional vehicle to transport our suitcases up with us tomorrow…..

You know when  you get that feeling you should just call and chec on something….I thought I better just call the hotel in Soroti to confirm our rooms for Friday night….I have just learned that our room reservation at the hotel in Soroti was given to the British soliders…….not sure what will happen now.  Stay tuned….we plan…but God directs our steps!

Posted by: highadventureministries | August 8, 2009

Friday August 7, 2009

It is 2:30 Saturday morning….here I am wide awake and the internet seems to be co-operating.  As I sit here, I hear them….a nearby church is having an all night prayer meeting…the melodic voices of people worshipping  and praying to  our God,  travels through the night air….oh Ugandan – I love this place! 

Around 6:30 p.m. Friday night the gang started to return to the airport….I must admit I was glad to see them all arrive back safe and sound.  They had a lovely day in London, traveling by foot, land and water! 

I heard that some of them even had a little nap in the park!  As tired as they were they pushed through it and went to see the sites!  One never knows if you will pass this way again.

Our pilot announced once we had board the flight that we would be arriving …..but that was not to be, seems the little cart for pushing back was somewhere on the opposite side of the terminal….somehow all those little things seem normal.

It was interesting to watch many trying to jam into the overhead storage on the plane the carry on luggage that fit comfortably on the bigger jet we arrived on! 

As we landed on the tarmac in Uganda we could see it was raining….pouring actually!

Often it will rain here, but not up north where it is so desperately needed.  

We had to pry our carry on luggage and manage down the stairs to the awaiting bus that took us to the terminal.  Upon entering the terminal we were handed a medical form that we were to submit regarding our health.  Swine flu concerns are here as well!

We are happy to say that all our treasures arrived safe and sound…even the grass trimmers!  All the carry on medications arrived too.  This was a much improved departure from the airport.  Everyone retrieved their own luggage and man handled it onto a cart and then headed out to the bus.  No lost luggage!

It is fun to hear the comments as we leave the airport and head towards Kampala, just a short 45 minute drive if the traffic is not too bad.

One bus packed with people the other packed with luggage…we never travel light!

Adonai staff was waiting with open arms, literally to meet us!  Hugs from old friends, that are beginning to feel like family, is now is part of the welcome back home for Don and I.   Dora, from Adonai directed us as to the rooms we would be using and then the man handling of the suitcases began again into the house!

There is a bustle of excitement as Ken introduces his finance, Janet.  Lots of giggles and excitement for the Sunday event.

The busuti’s were awaiting us and we had great fun trying them on much to the delight of our Ugandan friends. We could not even think about wearing them if we didn’t have someone to help us tame those long belts that seem to have a mind of their own! Funny, the men didn’t even ask to see their garments!

I was told by Adonai Sarah, that we are having a serious dance lesson tonight to prepare!  I think they felt concerned when they had seen our attempts!

After a light lunch we headed back out in traffic to the mall to get money changed into schillings.  Don and I purchased some soft pillows….we thought we would avoid any chance of sleeping on the “rocks” that were on our bed.  Well many of you may remember our encounter with the pillow purchase last year….I am pleased to inform you nothing has changed!  Price listed and price at the register still are not in sync!  One of the scanned attempts showed that one pillow was approx $50..turns out that was for a mattress….goodness…patience!

On for a little history lesson on Uganda as we headed for the Tomb of the Kings.  We were told we were in luck this week!  Apparently one of the princess’ of the Bugandan King had died she was 99!  We are told the family members will be on the site. 

Before entering the ladies not wearing long dresses are given the appropriate garments to enter the compound.  We must wear a wrap around skirt.  There are guards still on site at the entrance and they still guard the tombs of the previous Bugandan kings.  The huge grass building is surprisingly cool inside. We are told that there are 48 clans as part of the Bugandan tribe.  Our tour guide is from the grasshopper clan and he doesn’t eat grasshoppers.  Our bus driver is Bugandan and is from the sheep tribe, he doesn’t eat sheep. In the traditional custom the King had lots of wives…interestingly enough when he was away there was always a designed sister of the King that would be in charge while he was away.  Some of the Kings wives would be responsible for the regalia.  They still live on site, although they have homes in other parts of the country.

We have the opportunity to visit the big hut but we must take of our shoes and enter.  We saw the 1st King’s pet that had been stuffed…it was a leopard! 

It was so much cooler inside the structure and when we entered there were inheritance issues being discussed.  We were welcome with our tour group to come in bare foot and we could join as long as we sat in the appropriate position.  We could not understand what they were saying but it was obvious there was some intense conversation about issues.  One lady left the building with a spear….perhaps that had been the issue of discussion. We later discovered she was the sister of the present King.

As we make our way back to Adonai we stop for ice cream – it doesn’t matter that it we will eat dinner soon.

The evening is spent trying to sort out what we desperately need tomorrow up at the school….guess where the items we need are…yup…in those 40 plus suitcases!   There is not much extra room on the bus and we don’t want to have to rent another vehicle just to transport the items. Thanks to the group we made it through and have a good idea which ones have medical supplies and which ones don’t….not many! 

Just before heading to bed I notice that Sarah D is having interesting things done with her hair….stay tuned for photos! 

Toorrow we head up to Nakyessa!  The roosters have started up….perhaps I can sleep again for a few minutes before the hectic day begins.   Roosters and worship all blend as my eyes get heavy!

Posted by: highadventureministries | August 8, 2009

Thursday August 6, 2009

Hard to believe we are on the way to Uganda again!

We know that people are praying for us…it is hard to leave family and friends behind but adventure awaits!

Everyone arrived on time at the airport, including Veena, and it went fairly smoothly. Everyone was greeted with the same instructions “Use the express machines to get your boarding pass and then go check in your luggage”.   We had a bit of congestion at one point…and then I saw it!  Containers of lollipops that just had to get packed so the children could have a lollipop after their physical!   The candy was being jammed into every nook and cranny of various suitcases…even though I was pretty use they were all at 50 pounds!   We discovered that Sarah Douville only had one carry on and Ken McReynolds has for some reason brought along an extra carry on……lollipops were now filling the empty suitcase at an alarming rate!

We had lots of opportunity to chat with people about our trip…the T Shirts attract attention!

We did have a few issues with the wheelchair and walker, with them being wrapped together and then unwrapped and rewrapped separately!    They will be such a blessing to someone in Uganda.  This while we were struggling to try and get the autoclave checked in.  We were told we should have told them it was coming!  It was 90 pounds!  They were not going to take it – we should ship it by cargo!!!  Finally an exception was made – they would take it …at a price…but it was going now!

We continued on processing our overweight odd sized luggage…and then it was our very long box turn to get checked in.  What was it?  Grass trimmers.  Oh they can’t go….begging….ok the box has to be opened to make sure that there are no gas fumes.  We tell them it is brand new, never had gas in it….doesn’t matter…they have to smell it!  Smell it!!

That meant we had to open the package that was so carefully wrapped with brown paper!  So……where do you find scissors or a knife at an airport!!!!    Just so happens there were three police standing by the booth and they lent us their knife.

We knew that if it did get passed…we would have to rewrap it…but how?   Mr. Gallagher offered to search for tape…sort of like searching for a needle in the hay stack!  Needles can be found and so can packing tape it seems!  He produced a roll borrowed from the oversize department.  I am amazed that he found any!

So the supervisor finally has an opportunity to smell for fumes….she thinks she smells something and denies it from going.  The check in agent smells…he is not sure.  Don asks if he can speak to the supervisor’s supervisor.

The supervisor approaches at the same time that someone from the freight department does.  He tells me that he has the same Stihl grass cutter.  We explain why we need them, how these one have never been used.  Supervisor 2 now smells for fumes and so does the man from the freight department.  They agree there is no fumes…probably just the plastic or lubrication.  So it is a go (the sinking grey look on Don’s face now leaves) …..We now use the tape and pack it back up again…and say a thank you prayer!  I think we have had about 6 or 7 people smelling the grass trimmer tank and sticking their finger into it…it would have been funny if it hadn’t been so stressful!

Everyone made it through to the other side with all our carry on equipment and supplies!

We arrived in London at 8 a.m. local time…and 3 a.m. body time.  I saw some very tired faces as several hardly slept or didn’t sleep!  They will tonight…smile!

Don watching the bags

Don watching the bags

We decided that we would go through the connecting flights line and then decide on what/who would like to go downtown.  The guide leader looked like she needing guiding to a bed not the tube!  

After the detour we got the impression that this was not how things were normally done and so the group leaving to go downtown  now had to be escorted back to immigration so they could leave the building….but they were off to see the sites downtown…..more adventure awaits! 

Lorein watching the bags

Lorein watching the bags

Veena is off to pick up the second nebulizer.

Tracey is off to meet someone.

Ken and Janice are off to visit where Ken used to live.

Don, myself and Lorein chose to sit with the luggage and wait for their return. 

We will meet up around 6 tonight.

Posted by: highadventureministries | August 5, 2009

Friends, Countrymen! Lend me your ears!

Oh did  I say ears, I meant garage, suitcases, and assorted other supplies!

Packing Night

Packing Night

Tuesday,  was the night…the last night for packing as we leave Wednesday!   I thought it was very well managed bedlam as over 25 people filled our driveway to pack up!  What a army of mercy oriented people with the gifts of helps!  My poor neighbours couldn’t believe what they were seeing…and the traffic slowed down as it passed our house…was it a garage sale…or are they moving…what is going on?  One couple walked by and commented they thought they were at the airport!

The evening  began with a tornado/severe thunderstorm warning at 6 p.m.  It rained..boy did it rain – and of course lightning…lots of it too!  How would we ever pack at 7 tonight?  Where would we pack? Oh God please let it stop raining by 7…and praise God it did.  Car after car pulled up in front of our house and the packers unloaded with suitcase and “wares” and united for the job!

Processing Driveway

Processing Driveway

Our dear neighbour, who is a senior, let us borrow her garage…so the triage packing took place in and on our drive way and then they were removed to the pink ribbon labelling, packing and pick up area…as the sky grew darker and darker with each moment!

I think it would be safe to say it was organized…well at least at first it was. By the end of the evening we had everything packed. I had to stop someone from packing our old container of house supplies – hang onto the kitchen sink!  Note to self….have to keep an eye on this group!   However 4 or 5 bags were left over with stuff that  HAD to go and no one had claimed them ….and several suitcases  had been taken with what could go, if there was room!  How did that happen!  Where did all these extra items come from…who gave in to  all those eyes pleading with us….Marty or Don…”It has to go!” 

Where is

Where is

We made a few phone calls…and traded bags of medical equipement and a drum bag  for a suitcase of teddy bears and soccer balls…..(we already have lots of those..I think..but which suitcase!). 

Everyone now has asthma medicine to carry on…..We thought we were going to be able to pack it into suitcases…but suddenly saw the little instruction to keep it at 15C. I am sure this is the first mission team that is carrying on so much asthma medication!   Good job Dr. Linda is along!

We have decided to up the weight in the bags…and God willing we will all arrive at the airport with suitcases that are not over the limit.  We are praying that they will be merciful as we have two that are questionable in size and weight. One dear friend, that is not going, offered to help with the additional suitcase expense.

In the midst of all the lifting of suitcases, packing and unpacking of the bags, tears, and frustrations….HE is here with us…and we sense HIS PRESENCE! 

Stay tuned!

Della and Barry Gift of White Shirts

Della and Barry Gift of White Shirts

Posted by: highadventureministries | April 21, 2009

Seed and Hoe Distribution

As we traveled back to Kampala, I will never forget how overwhelmed we were to here about the donation commitment made for the donation of hoes and seeds.  The praise to God that wells up inside makes you just want to find a place alone to just praise HIM!

Once the emotion of the job that lay before us passed…I began to think…”Now how am I going to get that many hoes and seeds?”  God help!

I remembered our last experience of picking up just 25 hoes…going from place to place looking for the good quality hoes, driving around and around downtown Kampala in bumper to bumper, fender to fender, side door to side door traffic!  We were told that this was planting season and many things are transported up to Sudan making it very difficult to find supplies at this time of year.

Marty with Dora at Adonai Guest House

Seeds and Hoes Unloaded

Then I remembered my dear friend Dora at Adonai Guest House.  She has always been able to find just what I need, whether it was Bibles, or sewing machine, or a seamstress…I would ask her!  She willing took on this job!  Oh the beautiful body of Christ!  How she managed this is beyond imagination!

Seeds and Hoes on back of truck

Dora, Marty and Isaac welcoming the loaded truck

I will never forget the beeping at the gate of the big pick up truck and then, the gates opening wide at the guest house…with the hoe handles and seeds peeping over the sides of the truck.  I had no idea just how much 6,000,000 UGS worth of hoes/handles and 1,000,000 worth of seeds would look like!  What a beautiful site…once again, praise just seems to well up inside and we fight back tears …as mission impossible has suddenly become possible!
To the Ongutoi Community in Abarella sub county, Amuria district – 300 hoes and 200 kilos of cow peas.

To the Morugatuny community in Morungatuny sub county, Amuria 300 hoes and 200 kilos of cow peas.

Receiving Hoes

Receiving hoes in Amuria District

Wera community Wera sub county, Amuria district 257 hoes/handles and 200 kilos.

May God bring the rain to see these seeds grow into a wonderful crop!  Cow peas can be eaten in 3 stages and if the weather cooperates, this gift can bring many months of help!

Thank you to those that have helped us to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Receiving Seeds

Receiving Seeds


Meeting with community

Community Distribution

Posted by: highadventureministries | March 31, 2009

Library Books

We were out walking on Sunday night when the call came.  The shipment is ready and we are to deliver it tomorrow morning to Hamilton!

Don and I rearranged a few plans and decided we wanted to go along.  Don drove the truck and Laurie and I chatted about the miracle of how this had happen as we followed the back of the Budget rental truck down the highway.

Don Marty Laurie Don

Don, Marty, Laurie and Don

It was just a little over 2 years ago when teacher Laurie had the burden to send books to this little school in a rural location in Uganda.  Subsequently teacher Jill visited the school and returned with the same passion.  Soon teachers, students, parents were collecting books to send…but where were we going to store them?

Laurie decided she would approach a storage rental place to ask if they

Dream come true

Dream come true

would help us.  I must admit I wasn’t sure….but she returned with the positive answer that we could store it for a year…for free.  During that time, in faith, they began to acquire books…still not having any idea how we would get them there!

As a team they had involved so many people, the excitement was growing and so was the vision of having a fully functioning library available.  Our long term goal is not only for children but to make it available for adults in the community to learn how to read!

They were able to raise the money for the furniture and as you may remember it was delivered to the library on our most recent trip in February.

Student love note

Student love note

They are still in the process of raising money to purchase more book shelves, and to pay for the shipping through a concert to be held at Crossland Public School on April 15th.

Today as we walked towards the back of the rental, the doors opened and we viewed a dream come true.  There they were all packed in banana boxes, awaiting their journey across the waters.  It will eventually find its way to

Books are ready

Books are ready

Mombassa and then travel over land to Kampala.  It will be cleared and will await the arrival of our team in August.  Standing there looking into the back of the truck we didn’t see banana boxes….we saw the tangible evidence of a vision/dream coming true.  The vision spread from one person…too many and there it was now. Every inch of the container will be occupied and the additional 3 inches over the boxes, near the roof of the container will be filled with blackboards! 



I can see children for the first time, being able to go and choose a book, enjoying the words and pictures for the first time, on their own, not reading in unison – but reading for the pure joy of reading!

Our prayer is that they will not only enjoy reading, but as they wonder why would people do this for us?  The day will come when we will be able to answer, there are people that care and a God that loves them!

Please continue to pray for this shipment as it makes its way to the port and then across the ocean, across land to those little hands and eyes at Nakyessa!

Praying for the shipment

Praying for the shipment

Posted by: highadventureministries | March 13, 2009

Last Day – Update #10

Monday morning rolls around way to soon…and we are up early to accompany the truck with the furniture up to the school.    

Finishing as we wait

Finishing as we wait

When you make arrangements to pick up furniture on a given date and time…I think the translation means sometime during the month! We start the morning with not being able to reach the truck driver or Timothy.  The plan was Timothy was to load up the metal pieces to fabricate the doors for the clinic…and then to pick up the furniture.  Two hours after the 6pm departure time we finally have the truck arriving at the furniture “store”. 

The pieces are not completed yet…they’re busing covering the benches with the material…and all the furniture isn’t made yet! It is put together as it gets transported to the truck…but it looks like two trips will be neccessary! The furniture owner agrees to have it all completed by 6pm that night! They plan to sendup the carpenter with the last delivery, to finish varnishing the reading tables. 

Finally ready to transpot

Finally ready to transpot

 Maybe it was the am and p.m. we were confused about!   Oh well.  They load up the truck and we both head out – it is now 11 a.m. …the driver promises to be careful with our valuable load.  Timothy travels with the truck to make sure that all the pieces arrive and no stopping along the way! 

I think it is now 5 hours later than we thought we would be able to leave.  I have had to sit in the car in the heat…for such a long time…but as I have mentioned traffic is far from boring…you never know what you are going to see. Some how things look very normal these days…perhaps I am becoming more Ugandan – I think I should be worried….but alas I spot something!   I see someone climbing a hydro pole….no safety belt…just spikes and what looks like a rag to hold him.  Up he climbs and starts working with the wire!  What ever he needed to do, he seems to be able to manage and he scrambles back down the pole.  I am constantly struck with a way of life that generally is so unsafe.


Fixing the wires

Fixing the wires

Oh…and when you buy a drumstick… only get half…apparently they all come that way.    See the picture!

Drumstick anyone?
Drumstick anyone?

We made one last visit to the goat project site to visit the new baby milk goat…a male! He will be a great addition to the herd.  Several of the goats were struggling with an eye infection but it looks like it is clearing up very well.  They were concerned that night butterflies were laying eggs on their eyes.  We are grateful for David that he understands such things.

New kid on the block

New kid on the block

 It is a great opportunity to chat with Florence (at the goat project) about the surprise teddy bears that her children found in their beds a few nights ago.  She tells us how exited they were and that little Fiona was staying awake, waiting for her teddy bear to sing to her.  Florence had to tell her to try and get some sleep as she had school the next day.  They just loved the gifts!

It is a bee hive of activity around the sewing building.  Jessica has recruited the women and some students to get as many gift bags ready for us as possible.  We thought our departure date was Wednesday but it is Tuesday…so they have one less day to sew…but come Tuesday they are ready for pick up.  Jessica has also been able to contact the sewing teacher that taught her on her recent course.  He will travel to the school to show her how to use the new overlocking machine.  She in turn will teach the other women.  Even our dear Okello is learning how to sew.  He is a young man about 18 or 19.  He struggles with the academic aspect of school and he is worrying about what will happen to him once he completes A level.  I don’t think he has any family to help him.  Tailoring is done by both male and females, perhaps this will be something he could make a living at.  So many young men have the heart to work…but can not afford the training.  Please pray for Okello.

 I have a chat with the nurses about the new security doors and the upcoming training to be done in Kampala.  Florence, Esther’s sister will go first for the training. We also chat about how we can bring public health issues into the classroom.  We are working on making arrangements for them to address the students. 

We make the rounds at the projects.  The kitchen roof cleaner is going up.  We are waiting for the saucepans for the cooker.  Timothy is installing the last of the screens.  Fred has the solar panel and the lights installed as well as the security lights.  The cook is now able to make breakfast early in the morning because of the security lights.  I wish we could be there when she begins to use the kitchen! 

The library has the furniture in it and we watch as the last coat of varnish goes on.  We set up a “pod” for them to begin to use.  They love the readers called Dick and Jane.

Dick and Jane, Don and Marty

Dick and Jane, Don and Marty

We had not planned on making a last trip up on Tuesday, but then you must be flexible while in Uganda.  We are up early, again.  David is getting tired from all the travel…so tired the night before he began to serve himself coleslaw and then broke into laughter.  He had just put the coleslaw on his plate…the plate had been turned over but he hadn’t noticed. 

We are delayed from leaving the school, as usual, race back to Adonai for a quick shower to get the red dust out of our pores, and then head out toward Entebbe to meet Bishop Grivas for a farewell meal.  It is such a great time together, marveling at the miracle of Nakyessa.  I even decided to have Tilapia for dinner, even though I had just seen the mode of transporting fresh fish.  Take a look at the picture on the tire of the vehicle!

10 Fresh fish on the back of the vehicle

10 Fresh fish on the back of the vehicle

We head for the airport to await the flight home….it has been an amazing trip.  So many wonderful things have taken place.  God continues to show us what He can and will do with an open heart to Him and a willingness and availability to be used.  Many dreams for this place, are becoming a reality….we recognize it is because each one of you have helped, each one contributing a part to the whole picture.  The body of Christ in motion!

It doesn’t get any better than that!  To Him alone be all the praise and glory!

Until the next trip………..

Where the tarmac ends

Where the tarmac ends



Shelves are ready

Shelves are readyReaders using new furniture

Pump House

Pump House Outside Security Lights

Only two days old

Only two days old

Old kitchen - New kitchen

Old kitchen - New kitchen

No touching the chimney

No touching the chimney

New Kitchen

New Kitchen

New HM Office

New HM Office





Installing roof cleaner

Installing roof cleaner

Friends we meet along the way

Friends we meet along the way

First school under the tree

First school under the tree

Bikes need repair

Bikes need repair

Back of kitchen

Back of kitchen

Nurse Florence

Nurse Florence


Posted by: highadventureministries | March 10, 2009

Update #9

Sunday March 8, 2009

Out of darkness into the light

Out of darkness into the light

Don ventured back to Nakesero with David on Saturday morning.  They were to just pick up the generator and proceed to Mukono…although they knew we were picking it up they still weren’t ready.  Don had to give money for the fuel and oil so it could be tested …why we couldn’t have been told before is a mystery to us.  All is well and it is loaded into the back of David’s car!  While they were working on the generator, they went shopping for bow saws, rakes and rope! They

went back to the store that they purchased the elbows and T’s.  It only took a few hours this time.  Don kept calling me and giving me the update.


Isaac picked me up mid afternoon and we were to meet them at the shortwave site.  Stella is our new presenter.  She is going to be living on site and we were busy setting up her bed/net and other household supplies.  This is her first time living on her own away from home. 


We have to make a stop at Game to purchase a fan to keep the transmitter cool.  Arrangements are being made to pick up on Monday the furniture and the metal supplies to make the new security doors for the clinic.


Sunday morning we are off to church.  It was a great service and the choir….oh the choir.  They looked stunning in their black and pink outfits.  David, our builder is quite the dancer!  You can’t be in this choir and not be fit.  Grivas gives the salvation call at the end of the service and 5 people respond; this man truly has the gift of evangelism.  The new converts meet up with Pastor Charis so they can be discipled.  Pastor Charis tells us that the ISOM schools are doing so well.  The photocopier is being used so much that the drum has gone we are hoping to help them get a replacement.  We would love to see Pastor Grivas’ dream come true of a church building…he has been meeting in this quickly put up shed for so many years.  His passion for people to come to know the Lord is so encouraging to be around. 


Don and I have the opportunity to address the congregation….it feels like we are not longer visitors at this place…but we have come home.  We continue to be amazed at how God has called us to this group of believers.


Church wedding Introduction 1

Church wedding Introduction 1

The service is almost over…..when they have a special announcement to be made.  From the back of the church comes a progression of young men and in the middle of them is one dressed like a king!   It is Pastor Alvin, he does the translation at the church and also has a radio program that prays for people over the air.  He has a headdress and robe on decorated with sparkling orange beads. 

Church Wedding Introduction 2

Church Wedding Introduction 2

Next down the other aisle comes a group of young ladies.  We recogznie the young girl – she is dressed in a beautiful traditional dress.  They are being introduced to the congregation as a young couple that plans to wed.  The announcements are made and opportunity to help with the expenses is given.  The opportunity is given that if anyone knows why they should not be wed to go to the administration office and if there is anything of substance it will be investigated but otherwise the plans for the introduction and wedding will proceed.   What a ministry team they will be.  The future bride closes with a song for the congregation.  She has an amazing voice!  She sings about how the Lord has blessed her and given her a husband.

Church Wedding Introduction 3

Church Wedding Introduction 3

Lunch and back to Adonai.  Don and David are planning to discuss how the meat goat project will run.  The travel and now the heat has finally caught up to me…I have a long afternoon rest. 

Tomorrow we are up early to head up to Nakyessa….the plans have changed for the delivery.  We now have to order two trucks!  We have learned that the young men at the shop where they were making the furniture sold the wood that they were making our final pieces!  David is off to get us the cardboard to put between the pieces…..and to arrange to pick up the metal early in the morning….was this plan # 2 or plan # 3 now…I am losing track!


It is sad for us to think this was our last Sunday in Uganda for a while….we hope to meet with Bishop on Tuesday for lunch.  We are so blessed to be working with this man….it truly was a divine connection.

Posted by: highadventureministries | March 9, 2009

Update #8

Saturday March 7, 2009

It is hard to believe that we have to say good bye to our dear friend Sloan tonight….but before she leaves we take one last trip up to Nakyessa. Sloan’s trigger finger is very quiet these days…I think she is missing the accompanying snapping sound from Richard, Ken and John!

Overloaded Truck

Overloaded Truck

We encounter a vehicle on the way up to the school that is so overloaded we can hardly believe it…probably at least 2 and one half times more than it should be! We have long since learned that everything is overused here. However we are glad to pass the truck! Traffic is anything but boring here!

My first stop is at the clinic. It is so good to see Florence; Esther has left for the day to go home to visit her husband. She gives me her wish list for medicines…and we chat about what we will be checking for with the medical check ups for the children… who will do the “jigger “search? She is looking forward to the medical team coming. Florence is Esther’s sister and also a comprehensive nurse. Her English is very good and she is a pleasure to work with. They have been job sharing and it is working out wonderful. Esther is anxious to start the lab training and we are trying to put things in place to get started very soon. Making connections between people is not the easiest task I have discovered.

Our Library

Our Library

Next stop is the Library. Florence and I discuss how the Library is going to be incorporated into the time table. Their plans look very good. I am shown their policies and procedures for using the library. They will have someone that can be trained when we arrive in August. I can hardly wait until Monday when we bring the furniture. Don just called me and they have been to the shop…it is almost completed and will be ready for pick up on Monday at 6 am! No sleeping in here! Now the task is to find cardboard so we can protect it on the way up….always something that challenges us!

Sloan is busy chatting with Jessica about the gift bags she is making for the

Bark cloth gift bags for pendants

Bark cloth gift bags for pendants

pottery project. The material is made out of local cloth that is from the local bark tree. It is very popular right now and it is what their ancestors used to wear. She wants to add some local beads and some local straw rope. We hope she is able to have them done for us to take back with us. When you purchase a pendant it will be in one of these bags…so not only will you be helping children but a widow as well! I have finally purchased one and I just love mine…be sure to ask me about it.

I am planning to have a seamstress come to our guest house the day we arrive in August…for those of you that would like to have a hand made traditional dress you will be able to order one when you get here! They will take your measurements and you will tell them the colors you like…and you will have your kanzu by the time you go home. This is the traditional dress with the big tie belt made out of cloth. It may cost around 100,000 UGS which is approx $50 US.

 Helen, the lady that was cleaning the clinic has returned to her family up north. We are in need of a new person to clean the clinic and also to help clean the library. Jessica brings a lady to us for consideration. She is a good worker. Her name is also Esther, her husband left her and she has three children and she has returned to live with her mother….she is very grateful for the opportunity. We are grateful to Jessica for helping us find someone.

Woman in the middle will clean floors in library

Woman in the middle will clean floors in library

It is such a joy to be able to help women here. David told us that Florence (from the goat project) loves it so much that if she was told that the project was over – He said she would probably collapse! May God continue to help us to help them. You/we are making a difference here in peoples lives. David also told us that Steven the security guard that protects the sheep, has moved his family into the village so they can be close to him. His quality of life has increased so much that now rather than having only one change of clothes…his family has two or three. They can not believe what has happened to them! So little makes such a difference.

Truly the new kids on the block

Truly the new kids on the block

David our project manager has been serving so willingly for so long and we have only been able to give him a token here and there….but we praise God that someone with out knowing these details has offered to support him monthly now. The God that sees what we do when no one is looking is rewarding him! We are so blessed to have David working with us.

Jessica’s (the sewing teacher) son just had his introduction on Wednesday and the wedding is on Saturday…I think Sloan and I missed a party! Rats!

The progress on the Kitchen is wonderful. Fred is buy installing the

Solarizing the Kitchen

Solarizing the Kitchen

solar…thanks to a very generous donation we are able to do this now….what a blessing. Shack and team are working on inclosing the chimney pipe so that little fingers will not get burnt. Timothy is busy installing the screens and helping construct storage cupboards, and a sign for the clinic…and several other items. It is a hive of activity! While all this is going on, Shack is also constructing the pump house on top of the clinic using one of our new systems, the Finnbuilder.

Computer Training

Computer Training

Florence and Patrick enjoy a little more software training. The computers are powered from the solar panels. We are so incredibly blessed to have such a wealth of gifted people that help us accomplish so much. Ken and Wayne what would we do without you! People are hearing about these computer and they want to go and see them…they can hardly believe they can be run on solar! Wayne Hill what a wonderful discovery you made!

Running in the heat

Running in the heat

While Don and I are whipping around to see the various projects…..Sloan is in the field with the children. It is a very hot day, and anyone working with sports has to come prepared for the sun. These children are not stopped or even slowed down by this factor that sidelines us! She has just given up telling them that her name is Sloan and responds now to Sarah. They run they jump they laugh though it is hot, the joy that comes from being with these delightful children pushes all of us on. Sloan can not believe how talented they are….long jump in bare feet and a skirt onto hard ground….so come and play…they are waiting! You are most welcome!

Sloan and I have discovered the cleanliness of the outside “facility” at the goat project. After an hour or so outside we decide to trek across the primary, across the secondary and down the road to the “facility”. We receive the royal welcome from the pink chickens! Earlier we had given Florence some toys for her 3 children. We decide to hide the teddy bears under the blankets for the children to discover when they return from school. She is laughing with such delight…to be a mom and to be able to do this for your children for the first time…well you can imagine. Even though she is suffering from mild malaria, she doesn’t lose the joy in what this means for her children.

I have the opportunity to see the new milk goats that arrived a few days ago. The twins that were first born to the milk goats have returned from Masaka as well as our new acquisitions. I think one or two of them are pregnant. We are growing quite a herd!

We start out on the long trek back to the car which is at the primary…..we are so dehydrated when we arrive….note always, always carry water! It is probably about 1 1/2 km but in this heat and coming from a winter climate….we don’t cope quite as well as they do.

Don and David are off to check in with the local police station. Fred accompanies them…he tells Don that he thinks he has to do a little teaching on conservation! They are running the batteries down with charging everything! They pick up our sodas on the way back and they revive us.

We had hoped to stop by and see Pastor Alex and the church….but it is now after the intended departure time of 2 p.m. and Sloan needs to tie up some loose ends, shower, pack, eat and leave for the airport. The traffic provides the usual enjoyment…what will we find on a bicycle or a vehicle tonight? As you can see by the picture if you have a bicycle you can transport anything!

Have bike can carry anything

Have bike can carry anything

We inch our way through the traffic, and we are very conscious of the time….when all of a sudden we hear a huge bang! We have blown a tire. David is prepared…and we all pop out and the tire changing begins…surprisingly enough we are back on the road in only a few minutes!

Repairing a flat

Repairing a flat

What a day…we had planned to meet Isaac before leaving for the airport…but he just received a call – his mother had car problems and he had to go. It must have be the day for it!

Our new friend Brian from Norway joins our little group from dinner and then we are off once again for the airport. As we discuss our departure day, he discovers his Monday night flight has been cancelled as was ours…and I thought we were leaving Wednesday not Tuesday…gracious!

Brian discovered the first night here that you have to tuck the net in….and Don, another friend here, discovered that you have to use the net! Lessons noted!

We agree we will not talk at the airport…just a quick goodbye…crying hurts the sinus’ and causes mascara to run. I miss my dear friend….a lot!

Before returning to Adonai we have to try and pick up some money…we have been working on so many projects it is a regular stop these days…but much has been accomplished. Don and David are heading back to the Nakyesro market first thing in the morning to pay for and pick up the generator so funds are needed early in the day.

It has been a long and wonderful day….the house is a lot quieter tonight…it is hard to say goodbye.

Bring the receipts

Bring the receipts

Cistern pump house

Cistern pump house

Cupboard out of scrap metal

Cupboard out of scrap metal

Garden boys recieve t-shirts

Garden boys recieve t-shirts

Getting ready for a football match

Getting ready for a football match

Gift packets

Gift packets

Gifts for Florence's children

Gifts for Florence's children Josephine loves her smile

Lights going up in the kitchen

Lights going up in the kitchen

Long Jump

Long Jump



Practicing for the Olympics

Practicing for the Olympics

Protecting the stove pipe

Protecting the stove pipe

Road to Nakyessa

Road to Nakyessa

Roof cleaner on library

Roof cleaner on library

Same traffic jam

Same traffic jam

Sewing team for gift bags

Sewing team for gift bags

Tree used to make bark cloth

Tree used to make bark cloth

New solarized tailoring school

New solarized tailoring school

Using the Finn Builder for the cistern pump house

Using the Finn Builder for the cistern pump house

Veranda on the kitchen

Veranda on the kitchen


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